We can tailor a class to whatever you need but as an example:
If you've never done any Spanish before, then we'll teach you how to get by in Spain or Latin America with basics such as ordering in a restaurant, booking a hotel, asking directions and bartering in the market.
Maybe you have already picked up the basics, or studied Spanish O-level, GCSE or A-level at school and want to brush-up before going on holiday, or you want to perfect your Spanish and learn some colloquial phrases so you can get the locals laughing at your jokes.
For GCSE Spanish and Key Stage 1 to 3, or for bilingual children who want to maintain their Spanish living in the UK.
If you're not interested in grammar and just want an hour or two per week speaking in Spanish then this for you.
¡Buenos días! I'm Luna from Mexico. I moved to the England after studying teaching in my home country.
I'm José, orginally from Zaragoza in Spain where I was an English teacher. I have a lot experience teaching one-to-one Spanish.
Where: República Dominicana
Meaning: person who likes a drink